Peterculter Parish Church

North Deeside Road, Peterculter, Aberdeen

01224 735845
Interim Moderator:
01224 325873

Peterculter Parish Church

North Deeside Road, Peterculter, Aberdeen

01224 735845
Interim Moderator:
01224 325873
John Ferguson, minister

Rev Duncan Eddie, Interim Moderator


Latest Update

Aberdeen West Parish Grouping Worship for Holy Week

  • Monday 14th April: Springfield Church
  • Tuesday 15th April: Culter Kirk
  • Wednesday 16th April: Mannofield Church
  • Maundy Thursday 17th April: Cults Church
  • Good Friday, 18th April: Cults Church
  • Sunday 20th April, 10.30am: Easter Sunday Worship in Culter Kirk.

Diary Dates

Sunday 30th March, 10.30am: Morning Worship for Mothering Sunday
Tuesday 1st April, 2pm: Cults Guild

Please join Cults Guild in the Lochnagar room at the Cults Kirk Centre for the AGM and a discussion on “wearing too many hats”.

Monday 7th April, 2pm, Drumoak Church Hall: Friendship Club

Donation of £2 for teas.

Friday 23rd May, 7pm for 7.30pm: Ladies Pop-Up Shop and Fun Fashion Show.

Tickets £10 which includes entry in the draw for a £50 Colours voucher. Tickets available from the Church Office: / 01224 735845.

Thursday Coffees and Midweek Services

The usual Thursday midweek schedule is as follows:  service at 11.30am with teas and coffees served prior to each service from 10am at Culter and from 11am when at Drumoak or Durris:

  • 1st Thursday of each month: Culter Kirk
  • 2nd Thursday of each month: Drumoak Church Hall

Saturday Coffees

Saturday Coffees are held from 10am – 12 noon on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month in Culter Church Hall.

If you are able to volunteer to help with coffees, please contact the minister or the church office.

Our Congregation

Peterculter Parish Church is part of the Aberdeen West Parish Grouping comprising Peterculter, Cults, Mannofield and Springfield Churches.

We have had a vacancy in this parish since October 2022 following the departure of Rev Dr John Ferguson.

On 1st November 2023 Peterculter Parish Church formed a union with Drumoak-Durris Church. The new church will continue to be called Peterculter Parish Church.

We are now actively seeking to fill our vacancy. Our Parish Profile can be downloaded here.

Worship and Pastoral Care

Following the union with Drumoak-Durris Church on 1st November 2023, all Sunday morning services now take place in Culter Kirk at 10.30am. All are welcome at any of our services.

Rev. Susan Sutherland is currently acting as Locum providing us with two and a half days support a week for the remainder of our vacancy and will be conducting our Sunday worship.

Rev Susan Sutherland:, 07483 296859
Rev Duncan Eddie remains our Interim Moderator: , 01224 325873

Online Worship

Our services will also continue to be live streamed on our Facebook page and will be available for viewing afterwards on Facebook, Youtube and on this website.

Church Office

The Church Office opening hours are every Friday 10am – 12noon.

The office will be closed from Monday 31st March – Friday 4th April due to annual leave.

Focus Magazine

The next Focus magazine is the April edition, published on Sunday 30th March. Please ensure any contributions are with the editor ( by Sunday 23rd March.



Latest Update

Aberdeen West Parish Grouping Worship for Holy Week

  • Monday 14th April: Springfield Church
  • Tuesday 15th April: Culter Kirk
  • Wednesday 16th April: Mannofield Church
  • Maundy Thursday 17th April: Cults Church
  • Good Friday, 18th April: Cults Church
  • Sunday 20th April, 10.30am: Easter Sunday Worship in Culter Kirk.

Diary Dates

Sunday 30th March, 10.30am: Morning Worship for Mothering Sunday
Tuesday 1st April, 2pm: Cults Guild

Please join Cults Guild in the Lochnagar room at the Cults Kirk Centre for the AGM and a discussion on “wearing too many hats”.

Monday 7th April, 2pm, Drumoak Church Hall: Friendship Club

Donation of £2 for teas.

Friday 23rd May, 7pm for 7.30pm: Ladies Pop-Up Shop and Fun Fashion Show.

Tickets £10 which includes entry in the draw for a £50 Colours voucher. Tickets available from the Church Office: / 01224 735845.

Thursday Coffees and Midweek Services

The usual Thursday midweek schedule is as follows:  service at 11.30am with teas and coffees served prior to each service from 10am at Culter and from 11am when at Drumoak or Durris:

  • 1st Thursday of each month: Culter Kirk
  • 2nd Thursday of each month: Drumoak Church Hall

Saturday Coffees

Saturday Coffees are held from 10am – 12 noon on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month in Culter Church Hall.

If you are able to volunteer to help with coffees, please contact the minister or the church office.

Our Congregation

Peterculter Parish Church is part of the Aberdeen West Parish Grouping comprising Peterculter, Cults, Mannofield and Springfield Churches.

We have had a vacancy in this parish since October 2022 following the departure of Rev Dr John Ferguson.

On 1st November 2023 Peterculter Parish Church formed a union with Drumoak-Durris Church. The new church will continue to be called Peterculter Parish Church.

We are now actively seeking to fill our vacancy. Our Parish Profile can be downloaded here.

Worship and Pastoral Care

Following the union with Drumoak-Durris Church on 1st November 2023, all Sunday morning services now take place in Culter Kirk at 10.30am. All are welcome at any of our services.

Rev. Susan Sutherland is currently acting as Locum providing us with two and a half days support a week for the remainder of our vacancy and will be conducting our Sunday worship.

Rev Susan Sutherland:, 07483 296859
Rev Duncan Eddie remains our Interim Moderator: , 01224 325873

Online Worship

Our services will also continue to be live streamed on our Facebook page and will be available for viewing afterwards on Facebook, Youtube and on this website.

Church Office

The Church Office opening hours are every Friday 10am – 12noon.

The office will be closed from Monday 31st March – Friday 4th April due to annual leave.

Focus Magazine

The next Focus magazine is the April edition, published on Sunday 30th March. Please ensure any contributions are with the editor ( by Sunday 23rd March.


John Ferguson, minister

Rev Duncan Eddie, Interim Moderator

Church Office

The Church Office is open on Friday mornings from 10am – 12 noon.

You can email us at:

You can phone us on 01224 735845

Please note the office is closed for holidays from 14th-18th October 2024

If you would like to support the work of Peterculter Parish Church please click the “Donate” button. This link takes you to the Church of Scotland main page where you have a choice of making a donation to the church’s general fund or you can choose to donate directly to a congregation.

If you wish to set up a regular payment please download the standing order form .

Instant Neighbour

Our Foodbank drop off for Instant Neighbour takes place every Monday from 11am to 12pm. Alternatively you can bring goods on a Sunday morning and leave them in the basket at the extension door.

Donations can be:

  • UHT or long life milk
  • Tinned soup
  • Tinned meat & fish
  • Tinned vegetables
  • Rice & pasta
  • Jar sauces
  • Cereals
  • Tinned fruit
  • Biscuits & snack bars
  • Teabags & instant coffee
  • Sugar
  • Diluting juice
  • Dog & Cat food
  • Basic Toiletries